Olive Oil Allergic Reaction
Olive Oil Allergy According to the ACAAI, scientific literature contains only three reports of a serious allergy from ingestion of olives, which is classified as a fruit rather than a tree nut. In addition, it has one report of a person developing an allergy to the fruit after receiving pollen allergy shots, as well as one report of an airway illness in an olive mill worker. Allergic responses from skin contact with olives, such as hives or dermatitis, are also very unusual. In contrast, people who live in regions where olives are grown commonly suffer from allergic symptoms from inhaled olive tree pollen. Any food allergy stems from sensitivity to a protein found in the food, says the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI). The infrequency of reports of an allergy to olives or olive oil is probably due to the protein content of olives being only about 2 percent, notes the ACAAI. When the oil is extracted from olives, it's separated from the fruit ...